Monday 2 September 2013

comme des f*ckdown

If there ever was a slogan sweatshirt to perfectly encapsulate my feelings, it would be this COMME DES FUCKDOWN. Don't let that smile fool you into thinking that I'm sane., it's nothing but a cultivated and socially-acceptable mask. I can undoubtedly confirm that by the end of this week, I would have grown a few extra white hairs and Jack Torrance would look sane compared to me. The reason behind my recent fragile state of mind is the thing that's been plaguing me for the past 3 months. College of Law. You'd think I would enjoy the respite from work, but it's been nothing but an gnawing thorn on my side that's it's made me crave for the homely confines of my desk at work with it's third draw stuffed with lollies and the occasional fruit. But luckily, once this week is over- with any luck, I'd be admitted and won't need to do another exam EVER. Unless I develop self-harm tendencies and decide to do masters or worse, sit for the Bar. 

Wish me luck! You can have a front-row sitting to my slow and inevitable spiral into depression and comfort eating via my instagram  @thechicndamned. Again, more shameless plugs for my instagram account. You might as well as follow me on Bloglovinwhilst you're at it. 

x karen


  1. you have a lovely blog <3 this sweatshirt is so cool!!
    kisses ♥

  2. Very cool and stylish look.

  3. Hahah xD How did it go? Hope it went well!

